Walls for The Sims 4 by Milana

Fiddler’s Awning: Daylight Edition by plasticbox (Sims 4)


7 Stone Walls - Blackstone - volumes 1 & 2

7 Stone Walls - Stony Mix - volume 1

7 Wood Floors - NeoTokyo - volume 1

7 Concrete and Cement Walls - volumes 7 & 8

Fiddledeedee Half Life 2 Broken World (TS4)

7 Wood Floors – K Neo-Wood – volume 2

Another set of some concrete walls for your homes.

I was waiting for Dine Out to come and decided to start building my restaurant in anticipation. I really love the looker windows that came with the base-game, but only being in 2 tile meant they had limited use. So since we can now make windows easily with S4S, I went about making some size variants

Rolled Glass Windows by plasticbox

+1000 followers gift - Patterned wallpaper ♡.

BRIGHT ROOFS by pxelbox

window retexture

window from Get Together

Marble Floors

7 Concrete and Cement Walls – volumes 3 & 4

32 walls, one package.

Neighborly windowbox - resized & recolored