Eyes #1 + eyemask


Rexha Eyes

Eyes in 35 colors, all ages and genders

Eyes 04 HQ

Eyes in 60 colors. (50 solid, 10 duo). All ages all genders.

Eyes in 55 colors (45 regular, 10 double-colored). All ages and genders.

Eyes in 25 colors, all ages and genders.

S4 Eyes N10ND by Tifa

S4 Eyes N10ND by Tifa

Eyes in 25 colors, all ages and genders.

Eyes in 35 colors. (30 solid / 5 duo). For all ages and genders.

S-Club WM thesims4 eyecolor 32

Some pure looking eyes in25 colors, all ages and genders.

Realistic eyes in 35 colors (30 solid, 5 duo-colors). All ages, all genders.

S4 Eyes N8 ND by Tifa

Crisp Eyeset

‘Anatomia Eyes’ for the Sims 4!

Light-reflecting contact lenses in 20 colors. For all ages and genders.