Daisy Sims3• becky• 2014Accessory/Necklace———-elie’s camouflage backpack(the last of us)饰品/项链分类——————美国末日艾利的背包(迷彩款)*请勿二次上传或者修改模型/材质*改材质请注明原作者,谢谢*please do not modify our mesh or texture*give credit if you use our mesh to make a retexture男女用饰品for male/female(both available 4 teen)不可改色just one texture
Lunchboxes for the kiddies YAY!!!!Available in AdventureTime, Transformers, My Little Pony and Spongebob (only for the closed lunchbox pictured above).DOWNLOAD: Mediafire | DropboxCredits: Livingdeadgirl, Zedrael, Tankuz, YourDorkBrains, Noir And Dark Sims, Ladesire, Mimoto, RicciNmbr, Viviandang220