
Lv.3 141,387 394 124 16 25 followers 20 following

Welcome to my CC archive! I'm active at my tumblr - link is below. Terms of Use: Please don’t claim any of my creations as your own! Please also abide by the original creator’s TOU with regards to my conversions of their work. You do not need to get my permission for any edits to my work or use of my textures; a little credit is all I need. If you have any questions or concerns, send me an ask on tumblr. Anons welcome!

A Whole Bunch of Stuff I'd Been Meaning to Do!

CASSIS x Kadri Paperclip Earrings 3t2

GG Blazer Top-only + AlwaysSims Pants Retextures

2016 Garden of Shadows Blind Date Gift

Three Earrings Conversions

CASSIS x S-Club 4t2 Conversions

CASSIS x Gold Dream Dark Angel Halo 3t2

CASSIS x NataliS + Daluved Wedding Ring + Band

CASSIS x the77sim3 M.Y.V. Hair

CASSIS x HAL Pierce Set 3t2

CASSIS x LeahLillith Piercing Conversions

AntiPop: 5 T-shirts + 3t2 Pants Conversion

CASSIS' Second Posebox

2015 Garden of Shadows Secret Santa Gift

Cassis x JS SIms Snapback 3t2

Cassis x ShaTsai Ozzy Boots Bottomless 3t2

DISORDER HEAVEN: 3t2 Top and Wrist Bandana

CASSISxMahuyu Stethoscope ACC 3t2

Cassis' Super Big Kinky Conversion Set

CASSISxthe77sims3 Rock Never Dies Piercings 3t2