Decorative items.

  • Deco hammock. Poly: - high & medium (1760p), low (976p).
  • Deco accent pillow (matching).  Poly: - 640p.
  • Sculpture, lawn ornament. (outdoors)
  • Base Game.
  • Custom Thumbnails.
  • New meshes.
  • Find by searching “hammock”.

Accessory props.

  • Acc. tablet.  Poly: - 158p.
  • Acc. sketchbook & pen. Poly: - high & medium (1266p), low (754p). 
  • Acc. old book: Poly: - 88p.
  • Base Game.
  • Custom Thumbnails.
  • New mesh / mesh edit.
  • Everyday.
  • Unisex adult.
  • in hats.
  • Not allowed for random.


  • You’ll need Andrew’s Pose Player for them to work. (last version)
  • Grab this teleport mod by scumbumbo. (you can find it by typingteleport on the search bar)
  • 2-ish couple poses, 2 individual ones.



Download: Dropbox

Follow my TOU for recolors or other inquiries please. (updated 06/06/2015)



Other Sims 4 downloads: #S4CC.

If you have any comments or issues write me!
If something doesn’t show up, update your game!
Check original post for updates or fixes.

Tag me if you want to share the love #inabadromancecc or @inabadromance , i would love to see your game screens or photoshoots!


  • CC in preview:

male: hair (ea), top, bottoms.

female: hair, glasses, top, bottoms, rings, nails.

**note1: i’m praying everything is ok. i’m so sleepy while writing this.

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