THE 42 FLOORPAINTS ADDENDUM ( to play with )

( February 2018 UPDATE )

ALL textures have been UPDATED. You should replace the old files with the new ones

As we re-organize the whole thing this way :

1) the Base game files

2) the ALL Worlds files

3) the 44 EA floor paints

4) the Addendum floor paints

GET the ADDENDUM floor paints, and … Let the Ground Party begin :D

As the Sims 4 game is growing bigger with expansions, we think it will be easier for us to split/re-order the subject of game terrains for present and future expansions and versions …

Looking for something more? Having more grassy or pavement needs? We got you covered with 6 addendum packages of 7 files each. This set is to make your world look more natural and gives you more subtle colours to play with light, shadow and variations …

Since those floor paints are in addition, you can have them with any other files :)

Be the master of your terrains and lots!

These files don’t override the game files, and work super fine in game …

Made with S4Studio and SimsPE.

Date of release: January 6th 2016
Date of update: February 2018

Category: Build
Price: 0§


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