Waverly Chronicles+her subhoods
Waverly, oh Waverly - Founded by high flying, sea soaring witches for a place to call “home” for the strange and unusual!

Two isles connected by a single bridge is where all the scary, spooky, and extraordinary residents proudly call “home”.

Waverly welcomes you with open arms, we won’t bite but we might give you a fright - won’t you stop by for a quick spell?
Magic Town
(Shopping District)
Moonfall Bay
(Vacation Hood)
Active/Rotation Families
Batz + Mark
Chrono ∙⊰🥀⊱∙ Current
Waverly, Hometown
The Kzian's
Chrono ∙⊰🥀⊱∙ Current

Waverly, Hometown
The Burton's
Chrono ∙⊰🥀⊱∙ Current
Chrono ∙⊰🥀⊱∙ Current

Gvaudoin Tricou
Chrono ∙⊰🥀⊱∙ Current
Fricorith Tricou
Chrono ∙⊰🥀⊱∙ Current

The Webb's
Chrono ∙⊰🥀⊱∙ Current
Waverly, Hillside
Chrono ∙⊰🥀⊱∙ Current

How Waverly Works: Integration, College + Seasons

🔮 Waverly is an integrated hood. Meaning, the sims will own community lots and sell things for other sims to purchase/place into their inventory. Whether it's things they crafted themselves or things they’ve purchased wholesale to sell to the hood. Items purchased can be given, mailed or even re-sold if wanted to!

🖤 Waverly has an in-hood University that is fully functional as if they’d gone to the University subhood. Sims attending Waverly Community College or “WCC” can graduate and receive their diploma or they can attend the University subhood to get the same results. Just as fair, any YA sim has the option to attend University at all. More info on this below ⇣

Waverly Community College: How does it work in the main 'hood?

Sims who will be attenting WCC will be sent to the College Registration lot within Waverly where they will:
Aged down to a Young Adult
Given their traits, fave color, disliked color and have their interests reviewed. The highest two (2) interests will determine their major.
They will "pay" between $1k - $5k "tuition" before they can choose their major.
I will roll to determine how much tuition they are paying and another roll to determine whether or not they will pay an additional $1500 to live in campus housing instead of the dorm lot.
Note: This is actually just deposited into their bank account they can use after graduating college in addition to any monies they earned from passing each semester. If they flunk/drop out, they will not get this money back.
Come junior year, instead of choosing a different major I will roll to see if they want to stay in the dorm lot or move to campus housing. They will pay $500. Again, will go into their bank

Things to note about Waverly’s seasons:

I play with an extremely edited version of Phaenoh's Let Kids be Kids mod that I edited to follow Pagan traditions and 14-day seasons since I don’t like to be rushed by the season. Waverly doesn’t get warm enough for actual Summer, the warmest it ever gets is in Spring. Children have their vacation in the second half of autumn (3rd quadrant).

Quick Legend: (A)utumn: 28 days, (W)inter and (S)pring: 14 days
The letters in parentheses are used in the tag to denote which season I’m playing in, ex: A1Y1 = “Autumn 1st half Year 1” or SY4 = “Spring Year 4”

🔮 Resources + Inquiries
The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection

♢ Win10, ~5gb, 5-7min load time
RPC Launcher
Lighting Mod w/ Matching Shaders
♢ I used this tutorial on how to change the in-game font which you can find here
♢I use these: 1 + 2, to create unique sims

Lightshot to screencap
Reshade with Strawberry Milk Tea Preset

Must Have Mods:
ROS aka Random Occurence Scenario
♢ I play with traits. I am using auto-randomized traits and trait related DFR Turn Ons/Offs

Default Database -- 75% are from here
Default Eyes (SPN add-on here) + for Pets
Default Skin (incl. SPNs) + Witches
Road + Terrain Defaults
♢ I use a lot of hacks - just ask!

Note: I do accept WCIFs but not for whole rooms/lots as I use A LOT of CC. Large WCIFs are unfortunately super overwhelming and I will deny the WCIF to save my sanity - I'm so sorry in advance!! I am OK with WCIFs for <5 items tho!

I am not comfortable with the following requests:
sharing any sims and/or lots from Waverly
sharing my CC folder / others' content when they are still definitely active

I invite everyone to always Google and/or use Pinterest but also check my CC blog, grilledcheese-ccstash too!

Waverly Project Planning
If you'd like to help, check out the links!

🍎 Apple Cider Stand

Need inspo?
Check out my s2cc wishes tag!
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GrilledCheese-Aspiration’s 3t4 Ugly Dolls I have these IRL, in my TS2 game and had TS3 too. So here they are for TS4! They’re cute, sue me.
• Original by Nixy for TS2 @ GOS
• Converted to TS3 by SimmingWithSirens
• Found in Kids toys for...

GrilledCheese-Aspiration’s 3t4 Ugly Dolls

I have these IRL, in my TS2 game and had TS3 too. So here they are for TS4! They’re cute, sue me.  

Don’t reup/claim as your own, yo.

~ * Download @ SimFileShare * ~
