~Death Flower as accessory~

Yep you heard it right! I was actually inspired by this one sims 2 picture by @whattheskellCLICK ME! And it made me think. Wouldn’t it be cute to have a sim wear it… well maybe dating the grim reaper? Or maybe other reasons. 

It’s Hat slider compatible (I just noticed I made a typo there, sorry >-<) Although, some angles will make the flower weird. But I increased the scale of the flower with the hat slider here. So the header previews the full increased version of it.


I really want to thank @danjaley for helping me out with the issue I had with the mesh and finding the death flower in the game itself!
I redrew the leaves and the…. small thingies in the back of the leaves. I didn’t change much in the skeleton face although, I gave it some contrast and fixed a small positioning problem. I also added more leaves to it because I think it would turn out so much better than the original one. 

Let me know if something is wrong with it! and don’t forget to tag me!


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